The Faerie Tale
The Faerie Tale is a strange and wonderful thing. Essentialy a Fantasy tale, it also is a means to impart information, parameters to children, a means to educate and a wonderful style of first person writing. Faerie Tales can also be limitation tales, "avoid people with axes", poisonous spiders etc. Our Journal is accepting submissions of Faerie Tales from any writer that wishes to submit them. (submissons should be sent to; raytwalker@googlemail.com )
Such things seem obvious to us now but once upon a time.......

Faerie Tales
Fairy Tales
As a child one of the first things I understood were the messages gained from Faerie Tales. Fantasies; designed to keep children upon the good path.
My mother and father often read to my brother and I, at night, a bedtime story, in our drafty old farmhouse.
As I grew older and wiser I began not only to enjoy them but to understand the need for them. The good that they did; even if some were horrifying at the time.
Many years later I started writing my own faerie tales, some as dark as those written a few hundred years ago. Others bright and romantic. As luck would have things I found myself in the magazine business and always hoped for a "Faerie Tale " slot, but alas, it never happened.
This site is my way to make my vision real.
I know that it is just a website and not a magazine but I may make it so over time. I Hope to but am promising nothing.

Faerie Tales
Welcome to the faerie tale wonderland.
Past Projects
A Treasured Collection
A young girl, abandoned in the ancient Caledonian forest seeks refuge in the arms of a hill walker, or so it seems to the casual observer. A River Sprite seeks solace in the arms of a human, as her world is disappearing. A moon-child creeps from her Holt beneath an ancient tree, scenting the night air, and is enveloped in the world of humans. The man who fell in love with death, who no longer wishes to live but cannot die tells his tale. Goats that debate in shady glens at night discuss revolution, Wolves that are men and men who are wolves wonder of their purpose in life. True love remains eternal in the worthiest of sad tales. These new Faerie and folk tales, of Scotland, from the pen of Raymond Walker, Author of “A River of Tears” and “The Secret Inside” embody the living soul of Scots folk and faerie tales.
Enchanting, beautiful, haunting and timeless. Never have I read of such beauty as I have here. The innocence reverberates in every tale. Beautiful. Robert Anderson. Author of "Elizabeth"

She Wept Black Tears
There is a war coming, visceral, bloody and damaging. The Morrigan sits upon a crumbling stone wall and knows that more blood will be spilled here. Soon.
A man goes hill walking just to enjoy the beauty of the Scottish Highlands and happens upon a ruined hill fort that no one has seen in an age. The relic was once the scene of an ancient battle, a battle that rages still, unseen, between Celtic and demonic forces, magical and mystical and it is about to reach its unholy end. Rob, the aesthete, the fool, the romantic dreamer, is about to get drawn into the strangest of worlds.
A world where people live eternaly, struggle eternaly and do nothing other than wish for death.
"Prepare to have your socks blown off, This is the "Heavy Metal" of Faerie Tales

The River Girls Torment
There is a girl in the River, a beautiful girl, she has long brown hair that curls like River weed. She has dark eyes, that glow with the colours of the River, she is sinuous as the eddy’s and currents that make the River live and Rob has been looking for her his whole life. She is the girl in the River and he is the one that watches her. He wishes to find out about her, he wishes to know her, his River girl, he wants to understand her and perhaps even love her but the River Girl will try to tame him before the end. This is the new novel by Raymond walker, a work of romance but obsession and madness as Rob glimpses something new in the river that his house lies above; a girl. It could be simply his imagination or his loneliness causing him to see the girl but he thinks it is not. He thinks her real and sets out to find her, to know what she is, to know her. It is his goal, his need, his obsession and he searches for her for years and one day, he finds her)
“The River Girls Torment” is a work of true beauty, thoughtful, clever, quirky and full of earthy magic. I love This. Rob Anderson, author of “Elizabeth”
An absolute Delight from Raymond Walker, clever, current and topical, never mind the beautiful romance, this has so much more to offer than boy meets girl. Aldrich Kenney, author of “When East meets West” and “The leaves in Poland”

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"
Hans Christian Andersen
As you can see I have placed some of my Faerie Tales here and I would welcome some of yours.
Ayr, UK