To the Authors out there.
Submit your Faerie Tales.
My Intention is to start a new journal based soley upon Faerie tales of all sorts, from the darkest to the childish. Each will be recognised, if worthy of publication. and links to the authors website and pages added. You do not have to pay for this, no fee is required. Bi- annually a journal will be published in both printed and e-book forms, advertising and recognising your work.Â
This could be a step upon the publishing ladder for some, or a different platform for established writers to show new works.Â
I will let you decide for your selves if it is worth trying this new journal.
The Beast.
June, 2019
I have been working recently on a couple of new novels, both Faerie Tales of very differnt sorts, one a tragic romance, the other dark and unwholsome.

Emotional Break Play Review,
January, 2020
This is a great place to showcase a sample of your written work or write short description about your project. Did you collaborate on a print or multimedia project? If so, dazzle your visitors with images and video! Make sure to include a link to the full live project or document so readers can enjoy the entire piece.

Musings of a Young Artist, Classique Journal
October, 2022
Thought I would just give the entire piece.