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Murder most foul.

My wife, June, signed up for Netflicks, a free month apparently, and so we have been gorging ourselves on television of the most dodgy sort. House of Cards and Borgia, binge watching and enjoying both. I also fancy watching hemlock but unless she pays for it I suspect that I shall not be able to. Threats are always palable in such series and both are done rather well even if the first couple of program's in the "Borgia", series seem half formed and cheap. It comes together very well in the end. There were very thinly veiled threats In house of cards tonight. Stylishly done and well written yet I found myself drawn back into gothic literature.

Perhaps Kevin Spacey's character could threaten and do away with some one, but then I return to my homeland of the gothic tale. That Character is devisive, strong and able, a machevelian master of manipulatioin.

Yet is not Mary Shelly The true master of horror. Her wonderful wounded beast that haunts our dreams is simply us. Us uncovered. Us, revealed. Us displayed in the light of day to be the horror that we all are. I submit this as he greatest work of fiction ever.

House of cards is great and great acting abounds throuoght the cast but no matter what they do no one can beat Victor in a threat. Cut off appenages, torture and more, but no matter waht you do you, none cannot beat Mary Shelley.

Victor says, No matter how you resist, no matter how strog you are are, how capable you are,

You will tell me what I need to know. If you do not then I will kill you, chop you up into little pieces then I will stitch you up and make you whole and bring you back to life in intollerable agony and kill you again and again and.............


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