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People are Strange when you're a Stranger

Written famously by Jim Morrison "faces look ugly when you're alone" and things that once seemed fair can now be foul, and those foul now fair. I stand absolved of my (once worthy) guilt, it seems.

Much to my surprise it seems that the early parts of "And the Sea shall give up its Dead" have been well liked on the various sites that I have posted the story and I have gained a few followers due to those postings.

This was not a worked tale but rather something that was meant to take my mind from whatever I was writing at the time, the thought beneath a thought, no less. It was nothing other than a sideline and nothing more, yet I am told now that due to the public's reaction and commitment to "Over the Tears of the Fallen" which will be part one of "And the Sea shall give up it's Dead" that will be released this year with the subsequent parts of the trilogy released over the next two years until the tale is complete.

In addition this year I will release a new novel currently known to me as "wigton"; a terrible name for a novel and I shall try to come up with better. That tells you of two, The third will be the long expected but never received, "When Night Reign's Supreme" which is only a a few words and a bit of formatting from complete but that I have little time to do.

Thank you for taking time to listen to my ramblings.


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