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The Bloody Anatomy of a tale.

I Was asked recently in an on-line interview how I go about creating a story; firstly, I go only for a (mostly) coherent story, trying to work it from initial draft to the end all in the one go, where I may. Wither this is done in large passages or broken half formed sentences does not matter to me; I find it easy to write. I then start adding the bones to the beast, the brains and the heart.

"The brains" to me are the context of the tale, the descriptions and ideas, the thoughts that you wish others to read.This can be anything from a description of a place to the bend in a river. "The heart" being the the real tale held within all the words, that which you are trying to convey, sometimes successfully, other times less so but the thing that is the crux of the tale that you are telling.

The beast fatten's over time and then when fit to burst, dragging a heavily muscled frame and drooping belly, I begin to butcher it, trimming the fat from the belly and flanks but leaving the musculature of the tale along with some other sweetbreads (as well as heart and brain), that have taken my fancy that I wish to pontificate upon, showing either skill or arrogance that I think people would wish to know what I tell them (you choose). That done I flay the skin from the beast and chip away at the bones and fry some of the meat as the story, again, expands to become the monstrosity that I, like Viktor Frankenstein, has created.

And people wonder that I sometimes write horror stories.

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