A European Union
Personally I wish to remain in the European union, it does help in a business context, but is also a huge financial burden. The Bureaucracy is legendary and that legend is not mythical but fact. Yet I wish to pay for that bureaucracy for no other fact than to avoid another war in Europe. The youngsters in my country are all voting for independence,
Making things smaller still, wishing for more grievances. Argyll against Strathclyde. I can understand the drag of revolution, a new world, a new age and making the difference for all. We now live in a country where our predominant party is the Nationalist party. When writing my last book, it was suggested that I may wish to encourage people to visit these shores rather than malign the government of the land. A terrible trait and worthy of Stalin or Pol pot. As I am not a nationalist, I grow fearful of speaking out against Scot's nationalism, physical retribution as well as the common psychological retribution seems normal these days. Who wants the new Scotland? Hitler and Mussolini may, the Nat's certainly do, It seems that it is those that will do anything to make it so.
I dislike being forced into anything, yet the Nats wish to subjugate us to their (perceived perfect) rule. I do not wish to wear those chains.
I wish to remain in the union for reasons other than the money.