Dead Good
I was too busy talking of my beard, or lack of it, to mention that "And the Sea Shall give up its Dead" will be published on the day that I complete the first part of it; "Over The Tears of the Fallen" on this blog that you are reading. I have reached a pact with all concerned as to time scales, promotion and even a cover (though it has still to be adapted and changed) which is surprising as these things often come down to the wire.
I even have a agreement to continue writing books two and three of the series here and for free to those that follow this blog.
The books when published will be available to buy on most digital formats (as usual apple are dragging their heels wanting more money than they are worth but we hope to have that sorted out in time) in paperback and trade back formats. There may also be a limited edition hardback but that is not yet certain.
I have already had the proofs through for the covers and all have decided on the same one (it may be tweaked and the back cover text will certainly change) and essentially this will be it