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The Leviathan Novel.

As many of those that read this blog will be aware, I have been writing on and off for years now an epic volume called "And The sea shall give up It's Dead" Many may have read bits of it or excerpts from it. Yet it is huge, Mammoth, leviathan and as such I have had to decide that it will be a series of books. When first presented with the incomplete book my publishers were taken aback by the sheer volume of words. I am often known for my brevity and attraction to short stories and so it was doubly a surprise. I suggested that "And the sea" become a trilogy but then how do you apportion what is right to each book?. In my opinion (I am not saying that I am right) if the book is good enough it really does not matter too much on how you section it. George RR Martin goes for a cliffhanger, Robert Jordan went for the same (in much longer stories). Some authors wish each to be a self contained book, Stephen King in the Dark Tower stories (which is more satisfying for a reader) but does not stop we readers pre-ordering Georges next book in our millions. I think that all we wish for as readers is a great story, often if it is good, we wish it to last forever (entering the world in which it exists and living vicariously through it's characters). Robert Jordan's Leviathan "Wheel of time series" ended with his death, unfinished, at 21,000 pages of small print (not words but pages) and many millions waited for each volume to be published. I have now been writing "And the sea" for a while now and it looks as though it will be to large for even a trilogy of novels as was planned. I am still working on it here and there though I am taking a break from it at the moment. I promised myself when I resumed writing after the disaster that was "Cornelius" that I would produce a book a year and when possible a collection of short stories. So I have taken time away to write the Novel "Winters Ghost" and the Novella "A Crows Feather" both of which you will see released in the next few months. I hope that you like them and do not mind the ongoing delays with "And the Sea shall give up it's Dead"

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