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Who am we?

Do not worry you did read the title correctly and I did not make a spelling mistake or error of any kind. I wished to pose that awkward title. When responding to a query by a reader I realized that my characters are in my head all the time. Schizophrenia and a warm white padded jacket, await me. Comfortable in a Scot's winter where you hold your arms across your chest to keep the warmth in. Those laces and ties mean that you do not have to bother using muscles to hug yourself. Rather the lovely ladies and gentlemen in pristine white coats arrange it so I can hug myself. They are so thoughtful, I suppose that they thought my room may be cold and so they added thick padded insulation to the walls. I found that this not only keeps me warm but that I can play "Bouncy castles" with myself when they are not watching. Hugging myself, I can toss myself at the walls and do no harm, no bones broken, no harm done. Elise tells me that the pin I found in a cleft of cloth and padding would free my arms and let me out. Why would I ever wish to go, I have my warmth and food and bouncy castle. I am home. Tovah argues with me, searching for freedom but most of us love being here. I love being here. We love being here.

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