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Over the Tears of the Fallen

I thought that I would just appraise you of the long and short descriptions for "Over the Tears of the Fallen" which will be the first volume in the trilogy "And The Sea shall give up it's Dead"

The short version first.

Fishermen, long dead, are cast out by the ocean and crawl up on the beaches of Scotland. An old god has risen in the depths and the younger gods of the seas cannot challenge this ancient beast. The salt's; the roughest, toughest, hardiest souls that have ever walked the timbers are returned to life of a sort. One thought in mind; kill the bastard.

Longer description.

The world is changing, the gods of our youth withering and dying with each enlightenment. Humans are not all stupid and many now forget the old and new gods, lessening thier power over us and thier influence in our lives. Even Jesus and Yaweh 's influence lessens as people come to disbelieve. Believing instead in the realities of medicine, physics and chemistry. People are living longer and in some cases even enjoying life. The gods of our fathers and mothers are shrinking, dying and will one day become subsumed again into the human consiousness.

As the great and magnificent gods of our youth lose influence, others older and darker, once imprisoned by Christian ideas and ideals and the might of Jesus; who is now fading into memory; rise again to try and take back the land, worship, and strength that was lost to them.

Off the coast of Kintyre an old god rises and begins to gather itself. No longer opposed, forgotten except in whispers and oaths uttered by the fishing community. A god of those lost at sea, it slowly begins to come back and will claim it's domain once more. The younger gods of the seas cannot challenge this ancient beast. The old salt's; the roughest, toughest, hardiest souls that have ever walked a ships timbers are returned to life of a sort. They have duty set by the newer gods, now fled, and only one thought in mind. Kill the old bastard.

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