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Should the Glorious lie take precedence over the dull truth?

A lovely day today, unusual for a perennial wet and windy Scotland. The sun shone and made even the worst of locations a little better. I was listening to a podcast from "New Scientist" on the long drive home and a couple of things occurred to me. I wondered wither each personality affected another, a psychological thought eclipsed by a universal one. It is thought that Mars once hosted life, Venus possibly and the lost planet Theia (from our inner Solar System) could have been a host, much as an earlier Mars could have infected our planet with life. All these things are theories and there is little evidence where we could pursue that Idea. I wondered, Is that perhaps why we have found no aliens? Each group of sentient beings grew in clumps, each together and alone at the same time. Disparate from the others. The galaxy is huge beyond our imagining. Our Earth gives credence to these facts; multiple sentient species living at the same time In similar areas.

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