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What do you do when your book is just too short.

I do not have the downer on short books that many have, that said, a weightier volume is always attractive to a reader (myself included). At which point you have a number of options.

1. Padding (not spurious, silly additions with no meaning to the reader) with pictures, short tales, Geographical information, maps etc. Often this method can be attractive to a reader (Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children, for example) especially if the pictures, tales or artwork is impressive. 2. A larger font. You would assume that this would be particularly welcome to the older readers such as myself, rather for some weird reason people associate a larger font with books for younger readers (who can see better than an old buzzard such as I) so I would not suggest this but it is an option.

3. Encapsulate a book within a book. Imagine "Tales from a Thousand and One Nights. Your book can be the length you wish it to be with an overriding tale. It is also the best way to get short stories published. Combining them into an overall narrative or "zeroth" tale.

4. The "Second Hyperion" keep the tales separate and alone adding each without explanation. Then produce a follow up that links each together.

I am a fan of the short tale, the novella and broken or fractured story where all comes to you piecemeal. I hope these ideas help those struggling with what do with a short tale.

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